We incorporate companies rapidly and efficiently, both offshore and onshore companies. Due to our high level of experience gained through our working activity of more than 30 years, we give an unparalleled level of service. UNIBRAND incorporations are on a full-service basis with all initial documentation completed and officers appointed, where appropriate.

The effectiveness of your Company’s structure depends very much on having professional directors and efficient administration, which may involve accounting, invoicing, and operation of the company’s bank account.

The UNIBRAND Company Registration Services include:

1) We assure the Name Approval by the Office of Companies Registrar of Cyprus.
2) We assure a Unique Company number.
3) We prepare the Memorandum and Articles of Association according to your specific instructions.
4) Issue the necessary Share Certificates.
5) Issue the necessary Directors’ Certificates.
6) Prepare the Company’s Seal.
7) Open the necessary Bank Account(s), issue VISA Cards, set up Web-Banking, obtain a letter of guarantee if and when necessary, etc.
8) Register to the TAX authorities , (i.e. obtain a tax number, if necessary, for the purposes of submitting audited records annually, register the Company to the European VIES system etc.).
9) Registration to the VAT (i.e. obtain a VAT number, if necessary, for submitting records to the VAT).
10) Ship the Company Kit to you.

In addition to the above mentioned services, we are in position to provide a full range of other optional services that will assist your company to launch full scale operations and excel in any business endeavour you may set your sights on. Click here for more information.

Incorporation Procedure

This website section is dedicated specifically for the purposes of helping foreign investors to understand the basic procedure when registering a company in Cyprus through the UNIBRAND Group Of Companies, in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Persons who wish to set up a Company in Cyprus are required to furnish the following list of information:

Company Name

Please provide the full name of the company you wish to register in Cyprus. We shall then submit this name to the Office of the Companies Registrar of the Republic of Cyprus in Nicosia Cyprus for approval. Name approval usually takes three (3) business days from the date of the Application. Our job is to search in the names database beforehand and make necessary changes to the name proposed by you in order to avoid any rejection by the Companies Registrar of the Republic of Cyprus.

Director(s) Personal Information

Every Cyprus based company must have at least one Director. A Cyprus based company may be comprised of only one person. That single person can be the Director, the Secretary and the Shareholder of the Company.
Please provide full personal details about the Director:
2.1 Name/Forename:
2.2 Middle Name(if any):
2.3 Surname/Last name:
2.4 Nationality (Please provide us with a copy of Passport front page as well as photo page):
2.5 ID Card Number (Copy of Passport and ID Card)
2.6 Date-Of-Birth:
2.7 Full Postal Address including Number, Town, Postal Code and Country:
2.7 Profession:

Optionally you may add additional directors, Legal Secretary etc. You may also add “nominee” directors i.e. one of us here in Cyprus that would have the legal power to sign on behalf of the company in its affairs with the Bank(s), and other legally binding agreements. When there is a Cyprus Resident Director, the company may acquire the status of a Cyprus Resident Company and thereafter enjoy all Tax-Benefits that all Cyprus Tax-Resident Companies are enjoying. Please note that you should furnish all the personal details of additional directors, nominee directors, secretaries, as above.

Company’s areas of operations

Please prepare a detailed list of areas of operations to be included in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company. Alternatively, please provide with a list of neuralgic/key areas of operations (as wide as possible) in order to adjust the Memorandum and Articles of Association accordingly. Further, if required, please prepare special clauses to be used within the Articles of Association with regards to the 1) Classes of Shares, 2) Special Powers of Directors, 3) Decision making procedure of the Company, 4) Voting Rights, etc.

Company’s Share Capital

There is no minimum share capital for a Cyprus Limited Company, however usually the “minimum” share capital for a Cyprus Limited Company is (€1,00.00.-) [One Thousand Euros]. Cyprus Companies may sometimes be formed with additional share capital to reflect their calibre and the cost for such incorporation would increase accordingly following the requirements of the Cyprus Companies Registrar for additional stamp duties.

Company’s shareholders

Every Cyprus based company must have at least one Director; minimum 1 shareholder (i.e. the abovementioned Director, or a third party).
Minimum issued share Capital: (€1,000.00.-) [One Thousand Euros].
Please provide us with information same as 2 above (i.e. detailed personal information for all shareholders) and also number of shares for each shareholder.
i.e. If there would be 4 shareholders with equal number of shares, they would have 250 shares of €1.00.- each, or 500 shares of €0.50.- each, or 1000 shares of €0.25.- each, or 1 share of €250.- each, and so forth.
Normally shares carry a nominal value of €1.00.- each.

However, it is entirely up to you to set the nominal value of each share.

For added security, or, in more complex legal structures shareholders can be other companies (legal entities) instead of individuals (physical persons).

Further and detailed information regarding the formation of holding companies and/or subsidiary companies, group of companies, offshore companies, etc., may be provided upon request.

When having all the above mentioned documents in good order, we ship them to you.